Acerca de
Simon Dvoršak
About Simon
Conductor, pianist, accompanist and docent at the Academy of Music regularly works with the Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra, SNG Maribor Orchestra, RTV Slovenia Symphony and the Maribor Festival Orchestra. He performed a series of concerts with the Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra for TEMSIG, the Academy of Music, the Musical Youth of Slovenia and the Musical Youth of Ljubljana.
He often devotes himself to the opera and theater stage. He made his debut as an opera conductor with Ipačev's opera Teharski plemiči, and as an assistant conductor he prepared the premieres of Ognjemet, Dido and Enej and La boheme at SNG Maribor. He premiered the operettas Countess Marica and Merry Widow. During his specialization in London, he participated as music director in the productions of Into the Woods, West Side Story and Sweeny Todd, among others under the mentorship of renowned conductor Stewart Pedlar. For SKGG, he conducted the operas La Cecchina or Nobody's Daughter, Zmikaut and the Old Maid, The Hero of Our Time, The Gentle Giant and Ada. He was also a mentor to young conductors who performed in the operas Brundibar and The Hobbit.